كتاب أكاديميا

أ. حنان الشهاب تكتب: Engaging Students In Class

Having a motivating engaging class that uses real life connection could benefits both the teacher and the students in many different ways. As a teacher I believe that relevance is one of the best ways to achieve motivation in class. Students want to feel that what they are being taught is worth knowing and could actually effect their lives .How it could fit their current life or future.

  There are several ways or techniques to follow in order to achieve that such as, relating topics taught to everyday life or even talking about your experiences by , sharing some information with students and then asking the students to do the same. This is always a nice way to break the ice and get students engaged in class. Creating classroom games which uses real life connections is also a nice way to kill boredom. Trying to make your lesson interactive and interesting as much as possible by trying to  relate the material taught  to students life .

  Relevance is one of the major important aspects of teaching as it motivates students and engage them in class easily. Games and humor may attract students attention at first but, later their attention might wane that’s why, relevance is extremely important when it comes to students learning and engagement in class .If the content presented or taught fits the  students aims in the future or, if it touches an aspect about their lives the relevance here makes the information given away far more interesting, not easily forgotten and absolutely worth knowing .

Wrettten By:

Hanan Shehab

Eng. Dept.


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