GUST’s PR Club Awarded Club of the Year

• The Accounting Club presented with Social Club of the Year award• Number of student clubs at GUST grew to seventeen.
Kuwait City, October 21, 2015: Gulf University for Science and Technology’s (GUST) Office of Student Life (OSL) awarded the student-run PR Club the Club of the Year award in a ceremony in the campus’s Central Area. The award is presented annually to the club that demonstrates the most initiative, creativity, and actively inspires students by offering educational and engaging activities throughout the year. Dr. Sabah Quaddoumi, VP of Academic Services and Dr. Raghad Al Kazemi, Dean of Student Affairs at GUST were both present at the event to honor the winning club.The PR Club was the clear winner of this year’s award due to their exceptional presence on campus all year round and their diligent organization of 24 relevant and practical events including organizing the world’s largest charity drive, earning them a spot in the Guinness Book of World Records, organizing a university-wide soccer tournament, and a trip to London whereby the travelers toured the Aston Martin Factory and attended a workshop at the London College of Communication.Professor Donald Bates, GUST President, said, “Life at GUST is competitive, and it is this atmosphere of healthy competition that brings out the best in people. I am sure it wasn’t easy to choose this year’s winner, as there are so many clubs who made tremendous endeavors throughout the year.”Dr. Quaddoumi then added, “Our clubs play a vital role in our community. Without them, campus life would be bland, and it is their presence, efforts, and activities that make GUST special.”The ceremony also gave out an additional award to show the clubs that their efforts do not go unnoticed by the university community. The Social Club Award, was presented to the Accounting Club, because of their professionalism and how well they interacted with other clubs, the student body, and the GUST community as a whole. The club even managed to set up 20 events throughout the academic year which included setting up study sessions for Accounting students in collaboration with the teaching assistants, promoting prostate cancer awareness in cooperation with Al Salam Hospital, and hosting former POW Thamer Al Ayoub to talk about his experiences during the Iraqi invasion and Gulf War.Anwar Al Sabah, Head of OSL, said, “It is my honest belief that to get an extra dose of knowledge, you need to leave the classroom. Our clubs demonstrate that our students have a real hunger to apply what they learn in their lectures to real life situations, and create an atmosphere that is fun, educational, social, and applicable to the real world.”The purpose of the event is not only to recognize the efforts of a few clubs, but also motivate the other 15 student run clubs and acknowledge their hard work throughout the year academic year. This year, the number of clubs at GUST grew to 17, and now include: The Entrepreneurs Club, the Interns Club, the Volunteer Club, the Media Club, the Photography Club, the Anime Club, the Sports Club, the Talent Club, the Debate Club, the Islamic Finance Club, the Management Club, the Marketing Club, the Computer Science Club, the English Club, and the Public Relations Club.