GUST Launches the Center for Teaching, Learning, and Research in Collaboration with KFAS and QRTA

• QRTA Workshops under the sponsorship of Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences
• Queen Rania Teacher Academy Workshop collaborations successful
• Over 300 educators from across the region attended math, science and technology workshops
October 30, 2016 – Kuwait City: Gulf University for Science and Technology (GUST) announced today the launch of the Center for Teaching and Learning Research (CTLR), in collaboration with the Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences (KFAS). The launch kicked off a series of math, science and technology workshops with the Queen Rania Teacher Academy, Jordan.
The opening ceremony hosted Assistant Secretary General of Academic and Student Affairs at the Private Universities Council, Dr. Nebal Bouresli, Assistant Undersecretary to the Minister of State for Youth Affairs, Meshal AlSubaiee, Director of Scientific Culture Directorate at KFAS, Dr. Salam Al-Ablani, Director of the National Center for Education Development, Dr. Sabeeh Al-Mukhaizeem, GUST President, Professor Donald Bates, as well as both private and public school administrators, principals and teachers, Ministry of Education supervisors, among others.
GUST President, Professor Donald Bates, said ‘With the launch of CTLR, we continue to grow as an academic and community leader. Collaborative efforts to give back to our community and build connections, whether from within the country or abroad, are key to the growth and development of our programs and university, and as such, we are very proud to be working with esteemed institutions such as KFAS and QRTA.’
Attendees will participate in hands-on bilingual workshops in math presented by Queen Rania Teacher Academy, under such topics as Calculus: Rate of Change & Functions by Dr. Muad Al-Shiyyab, and Geomoetry: Platonic Solids by Kamal Lahlouh. Attendees will also have the opportunity to attend science workshops focused on problem based learning, and technology workshops by Dr. Mohammad Yassine from GUST, and Dr. Nouf Al-Wadi from Washington, D.C.
Director General of KFAS, Dr. Adnan Ahmad Shihab Eldin, said ‘The attendance of our teachers from the public and private schools of Kuwait to these events reflects a creative and dedicated community in which educators can collaborate and exchange information.’
The primary goal of the workshops is to help facilitate the implementation of the new math and science curricula by offering public and private school teachers high quality workshops in those areas as well as the use of technology.
As part of the CTLR, the Ustath Café will be created as an online teachers’ forum funded by KFAS, to support math and science teachers across the country. The Ustath Café will be a specialized portal through which teachers and other educators can work on and share professional teaching methods and experiences. The forum is designed around the following topics: Learning Strategies, Evaluation, Curriculum, Educational Operations, Students, and Research.
CTLR further cement’s GUST as a leading institution for higher education in Kuwait that supports and contributes to its community.
Gulf University for Science and Technology (GUST) began operation in 2002 in a strategic partnership with the University of Missouri – St. Louis, as the first private university in Kuwait. Based on an American-style model of higher education, GUST aims to serve the increasing educational demands of Kuwait and the Gulf region. The university currently houses two colleges: the College of Arts & Sciences and the College of Business Administration, and hosts over 3,000 full-time students. GUST is accredited by the Commission on Intensive English Program Accreditation (CEA) for its English Foundation Program, AACSB-International for its College of Business Administration, Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) for its computer science program, College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA) for its Student Success Center, and most recently the American Communications Association (ACA) for its Mass Communication and Media Department. GUST is Kuwait’s premier private university and aims to be the ‘university of choice’ for undergraduate, graduate, and professional students. GUST encourages academic and research excellence, and aspires to become a leader in the pursuit of knowledge in Kuwait and abroad. For more information, please visit