Kuwait is on track building more universities — Thomas Friedman

Building more universities in Kuwait is a good indication that the country is on the right path regarding economic reforms, as the world currently thrives in the age of information, said New York Times writer Thomas Friedman on Thursday.
These universities will equip Kuwaiti youth with the required skills to compete in the workplace, he said in a statement to KUNA.
Friedman delivered a lecture yesterday entitled “How to prosper in a fast-moving world,” sponsored by IMF Middle East Center for Economics and Finance (CEF), jointly with the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development (AFESD). In it he focused on how countries, including Arab ones, could thrive in a fast-moving world wrapped up in globalization, climate change, and the digital revolution.
He noted the quick development in technology by citing the emergence in 2004 of the social networks such as Facebook, which he said had grown by leaps and bounds in seven years, from 2004 to 2011. He mentioned other networks such as Linked-in and Twitter.
Friedman is a Pulitzer award winning newspaper writer who also has authored a number of books such as The World is Flat, and a soon to come out book entitled Thanks for Coming Late.