أخبار منوعة

Students without classes in PAAET

imageAcademia | Defeated student Most of students in all universities and colleges of Kuwait face the same problem every semester, which is “closed classes”. No one knows where is the secret or the solution for this problem. All students feel bad and they are so depressed. How can Kuwait develop without care of its students? How can this happens and no one cares? How can we see our students face this disaster and no one gives them a hand?Students of PAAET are so crushed; every semester they face this dilemma. Where are the educational leaders of PAAET? where are people who cares of Kuwait and its development? In addition, all students of PAAET ask each other, what should they do with this problem? How can they solve it with no one listens to them? Even Vitamin A doesn’t bring any good result.One of the student says: ” impossible, I’m in third year and in this case, I need 3 years  more to graduate” Another student says: ” I study bachelor’s and I can’t be patient with what is going on, this problem has destroyed all my plans for the future”.Also, students of college of basic education ask who is responsible?Their hearts are broken and they stopped dreaming of study master and ph. D. They want to register easily and graduate only. Finally, we hope to see the movement of our leaders. We hope to see them care of students and assist them. We hope to see those people who repeat that they love Kuwait. We hope to see them and they prove for us their love for Kuwait and help poor students.

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