كتاب أكاديميا

A Flipped Classroom | By: Hanan Al Shehab

Having a fun class aids both teachers and students . Students are more engaged and eager to learn on a deeper level without feeling bored and makes the class more rewarding .

    Some of the effective ways of making a class fun is having a ” flipped class” . The process of flipped teaching starts by the teacher creating video lecture and information and then shares it with students to review at home before the actaul lecture . Students then, use this online content provided by the teacher and, prepare questions for the teacher , 

    When at school , the teacher facilitate discussion and answer students questions . Students participate in learning activities and, are prepared for more complex thinking at school .

    Flipped teaching creates a flexible enviroment for students, it allows them to interact and reflect on thier learning needs. It differs from the traditional approach that leaves students passively recieving information. Flipped teaching emphasizes active learning during class and student engagement. 


Hanan Al Shehab 

Eng Dept.

The Higher Institute for Admistrative Services

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