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?What is Gamification in Training

بقلم : منال الكندري

?What is Gamification in Training

Gamification is the process of applying game mechanics to a non-gaming environment to increase engagement, happiness and loyalty. As such, gamified training is training that incorporates gaming elements or mechanics within its approach.

?How Is Gamification Effective in Training

1  Gamification is Backed By Brain Science 
Gamification releases neurotransmitters that help us feel good. It also gives learning an addictive quality. One example is the feel-good hormone dopamine. This gets released when you reward users for specific actions.

2. Gamification Draws From Intrinsic & Extrinsic Motivations
Gamification in training provides a conducive learning environment by tapping into the intrinsic and extrinsic motivations of learners. Through the use of game mechanics within a training environment, we can better capture our learners’ attention and focus.
For example, earning rewards and climbing up the leaderboard keep learners engaged with their learning outcomes. More importantly, it taps into the deeper motivations of learners such as their desire for meaning and achievement.

3. Gamification Mobilises Proactive Behaviours
Humans are instinctively inclined to repeat behaviours or actions that provide us with satisfaction. Drawing from this, earning badges, experience points or climbing up a leaderboard helps to create deeper levels of gratification.
In this way, your learners will be motivated to repeat desired behaviours. Through these recurring behaviours, learning is better reinforced and retained in the long-run.
4. Gamification Enables Real-Time & Flexible Assessments
Game mechanics (e.g levels, scoreboards, leaderboards) provide an active screenshot of a learner’s performance at any given point in their training. Similarly, these mechanics can help shape assessments to fit the evolving needs of modern learners.
For instance, such tests can be transformed into fun-sized challenges filled with reinforcing triggers such as points, badges and rewards. These address modern learners’ short attention spans by keeping them repeatedly engaged.

5. Gamification Empowers Social Learning

Game-based features such as Battles and real-time feedback work wonders when combined with the power of social learning.
But this should come as no surprise as many of today’s most popular games incorporate multiple social elements. Common social features include activity feeds, in-game chats and push notifications.
According to the 70:20:10 model of learning, 90% of everything we learn at work takes place outside of our formal training experiences. For this reason, by combining gamification and social learning, you will create an environment where informal learning experiences can flourish.


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