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Help the World Education Forum find a slogan



The Global Education First Initiative (GEFI) is running a twitter-based crowd sourcing competition for education partners to come up with a slogan for the World Education Forum 2015, to be held from 19-22 May 2015, in Incheon, Republic of Korea.

At the World Education Forum education leaders from across the world will come together to agree on a joint position for the post-2015 development agenda for education. The forum will take stock of the achievements and shortfalls in the implementation of the Education for All (EFA) goals and education-related Millennium Development Goals.

Nearly a quarter of a century ago, the Education for All (EFA) committed to meeting “the basic learning needs of all” by ensuring universal primary education and slashing illiteracy rates. In 2000, six EFA goals covering all aspects of basic education from early learning to adult literacy were formalized at the World Education Forum in Dakar. The year 2000 also saw the introduction of education related Millennium Development Goals. Both the EFA and MDG goals had a deadline of 2015, which is why this year’s historic World Education Forum will determine what comes next.

As a key partner of the forum GEFI is calling on the global education community to submit their best ideas for the forum’s slogan. Tweet @GlobalEduFirst using the hashtag #WorldEducationForum with a slogan you think best encapsulates the post-2015 development agenda for education.

Slogans will be accepted until March 6th. GEFI will then collate the entries and, working with the World Education Forum convenor organizations (UNESCO, UNDP, UNFPA, UNHCR, UNICEF, UN Women and the World Bank) will decide on an appropriate slogan by the end of March. The slogan will be used on the World Education Forum website, and other promotional tools.

What do you think best captures the agenda we need for education post-2015?

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