أخبار منوعة

AOU Training Center honors trainers of Ramadan Sessions


  • Dr. Khalifa cherished trainers’ efforts and the trust of Center’s partners


The Training Center of the Arab Open University (AOU) honored the trainers participating in the Ramadan training sessions held for the employees of the University, and which aimed to discover abilities and develop skills and capacities that enable them to contribute to achieving the vision and mission of the University.


During the honoring ceremony, Dr. Sami Khalifa, Manager of the Center, emphasized the importance of these sessions that strengthen the culture of teamwork and experience-exchange in addition to promote the loyalty concept to the University. He added that the AOU is keen on developing the administrative work and keeping up with training and development advances, praising the cooperation between the work sectors of the University that had a great impact on success of these training sessions.


Khalifa said, “It is my pleasure to thank all our partners in both public and private sectors on their cooperation that reflect their trust in the Center which offers a wide range of training and developing programs”. He also thanked all the trainers and Mrs. Juman Sharawi, Coordinator of these sessions, for their efforts.


Khalifa pointed out that the Center held eight training sessions during Ramadan. The first one was about Job Competence by Anoud Al-Nabhan, while the second one was on SPSS by Ehab Al-Dawi. The body language was the third session delivered by Fatima Al-Enezi and the fourth one was about MS Office by Sarah Qabora. In addition, Khadija Ahmadi talked about the Art of Persuasion in the fifth session. Then, in the sixth meeting, Arsalan Wasti addressed the basics and procedures of conducting a research. Anisa Yousif talked about the Holy Quran Tajweed. The last session was by Saud Mudhhi, who lectured on the basics of writing skills in the English language. At the end of the ceremony, Dr. Sami Khalifa handed the trainers an appreciation certificate for their efforts.

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