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Annual Public Health Conference on Sat March 11th



Faculty of Public Health commences its second annual conference with the presence of the president of Kuwait University on Saturday 11/03/2017 at HSC Auditorium at Jabriya under the title “Diseases and injuries in Kuwait, can they be prevented?”. The conference will hold four guest keynote speakers and two of the faculty as well.

Many diseases and injuries in Kuwait today are preventable by already identified knowledge. Our challenge is to act on the available knowledge. For this reason, the acting dean of FOPH Prof. Harri Vainio has announced that this conference’s objective is to make a public health call for action. The Faculty of Public Health does not only education and training of future professionals in public health but it also seeks to increase scientific evidence through research and to spread awareness through various seminars and other channels

            The four keynote speakers in the 2017 Annual Public Health Conference are Dr. Rengaswamy Sankaranarayanan from the WHO’s International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon, France, Prof. Elio Riboli from Imperial College London, United Kingdom, Prof. Samer Jabbour from American University of Beirut, and Prof. Jaakko Tuomilehto from Dasman Diabetes Institute in Kuwait. Moreover, two of the faculty members (Dr. Darline Alreda and Prof. Syed Aljunid) will discuss their own presentations on risky roads in Kuwait and links between health and wealth.

            Prof. Vainio announced that the conference will start at 10AM on Saturday March 11th and last until 4PM. It will include several presentations regarding issues in public health, such as, prevention of chronic diseases, diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular diseases, healthcare practices, and lastly, injuries and traffic culture in relation to road accidents.



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