أخبار منوعة

KU Received Eid Al-Adha Well Wishers

KU President Prof. Hussein Al-Ansari received Eid Al-Adha well wishers with the presence of Secretary General Prof. Nabeel Alloghani, Assistant Secretary General for Administrative Affairs Prof. Yousif Al-Mazroui, Assistant Secretary General for facilities Affairs, Prof. Adam Al-Mullah, and Assistant Secretary General for financial Affairs Abdullah Buresli during a reception ceremony held today in Sabah Al-Salem auditorium in Khaldiya.

Prof. Al-Ansari stated that the administration will devise a strategic plan through communicating with the academic community to development the University, in cooperation with Faculty Members Association and the National Union of University Students for they are center of the educational process.
Alloghani welcomed the new president of KU, assuring that the Secretariat General will be supportive and help KU administration achieve the desired goals that serve the best interest of KU and education in general.

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