أخبار منوعة

Al-Hajjy: KU receives 37760 students on the new academic year

University spokesperson Dr. Bader Al-Hajjy announced that KU will receive 37760 students on Sunday September 6th, 5072 of which are freshmen, indicating that Thursday is the last day to complete students’ schedules through assistants’ deans’ offices at the colleges.
Al-Hajjy stressed that Deanship of Admission and Registration announced that enrolled students are allowed to mandate their schedules during the first week of study according to the Courses’ list, from 6-12 of September 2015 through the registration system and via internet only. Registration will be on the available seats on some courses only and according to the specified study load.
Al-Hajjy added that the University has completed its preparations to receive all students, calling on freshmen who haven’t receive their university IDs in the Registration and Admission Hall, to refer to safety and security offices at their colleges.
Al-Hajjy indicated that student bookshop will receive students as of September 6/9/2015 until Wednesday 30/9/2014 from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm, and from 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm to facilitate the purchasing process for students

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