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A report on Monday’s conference

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A conference was held in the College of Basic Education for the purpose of educating the students about the art of debate. With the upcoming annual debate competition between all the academic facilities in Kuwait, which will be held in April, workshops will be organized for the purpose of preparing the participants for this event.

In the conference, few professors took the stand and gave a helpful brief lecture concerning debates. Among those was Dr. Rasha Ashkanani who started with clarifying the meaning of debate and how it is a form of the human rights, which is the expression of opinion. The purpose of a debate, as she stated, is to convince the opponent of your point of view by using persuasion supported by either logic or evidence. On another hand, Dr. Mohammed Alkandery said that he was proud of the performance of last year’s debaters. Another comment was expressed by Dr. Fahad Almutairi who emphasized that listening carefully to the opponent’s point of view is one of the key skills that can lead to a persuasive debate. At the end of the conference, volunteering students started to signing up for a chance to represent their college.

By Noor Al-Ajmi


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