كتاب أكاديميا

Hanan Shehab wrote :Pandemic and education

Pandemic and education.

The pandemic has paved the way for online teaching and had hugely impacted education. There is a significant amount of need for online platforms.
Yet, there are downsides and challenges that we need to face and overcome with this dramatic shift to online teaching.
The success of online teaching is debatable. Specially, when it comes to the lack of social skills specially, in younger students.
Prolonged isolation from teachers and friends is causing a high rise in anxiety and is causing depression.
It’s kind of hard for students to be consistent and can seriously impact their ability to be successfully motivated. As many might doubt their abilities and are not willing put in all the effort needed.
The fact that we as teachers and students can overcome these obstacles is still questionable.

Hanan Shehab

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