كتاب أكاديميا

Hashem Haider write Training After the Pandemic

Training After the Pandemic

Around the country, trainers and teachers have begun to return to classrooms after the covid-19 pandemic. The pandemic has drastically changed many things we do as a society especially in education and training. Teachers and trainers have found that many practices that we used in teaching during the pandemic are worth of keeping. I have server the internet and some social media apps to find out some of the teachers/trainers answers, and I will list some of them.

1. Innovating with technology

A lot of colleagues were happy to continue using some apps that we used during the pandemic, for example Microsoft teams or zoom. most were pleased to learn that technology actually helped them manage their workload more efficiently.

2. Connecting in creative ways (department meetings)

The way we used to held meeting was very simple, effective and quick. Through some apps like we said before.

3. Less Papers

Many of teachers I have asked mentioned this; they are very comfortable to using less paper or no papers for exams and home works.

4. Making room for students who may not like the spotlight

This idea I have read it on https://www.weareteachers.com/teachers-after-covid/ written by Elizabeth Mulvahill on January 12, 2021 and she said and I quote:

Interestingly, teachers have noticed that some students have blossomed with online learning. “Some of my quietest students have found their voice,” says Deanne S. “They love being able to answer questions without worrying about other students seeing their answer and being able to ask questions without having to ask in front of the class. I feel like I’m getting to know them on a deeper level because they seem to feel safer being able to communicate with complete privacy from other students overhearing.”

Singing the praises of the chat feature, Daniel P. reports, “I keep the chat running alongside my lesson so as we do problems kids type in answers or questions as I’m teaching. I have the chat so it goes only to me so others can’t see their answers or questions.” And Anneka N. has appreciated giving her students options for communicating. “I like that online, I can switch between using the chat or calling on kids,” she says, “giving them the option to write stuff down instead of ONLY using verbal communication.”

And the end, “One thing seems certain—teaching will never be the same again. But at its core, the profession remains rooted in deep love and respect for kids and learning.”

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