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AOU Training Center concludes Training Program on Computer Principles




The Training Center of the Arab Open University (AOU) concluded a five-day training program entitledComputer Principles delivered by Dr. Anwar Al-Harbi and organized for 15 employees from Al-Soor Fuel Marketing Company.

In the closing ceremony attended by Prof. Marwan Al-Akaidi, the acting president of the AOU, he said that this training program comes under the cooperation between the University and Al-Soor Company to train its employees and provide them with necessary skills that enable them to achieve the company’s vision and mission so as to positively affect the performance of the company and its services.

Al-Akaidi added that the AOU and its training center are keen on providing excellent training services in accordance with international quality standards, aiming at contributing to preparing manpower for development needs in Kuwait and in a number of Arab states. He further emphasized the importance of this program, and commended all the efforts that helped in the success of the program.

At the end, the participants were handed their certificates and expressed their pleasure to participate in such programs. During the program, Al-Harbi addressed several topics including: types of computer, its main functions, data input process, storage and capacities, measurement units, and software applications.


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