أخبار منوعة

University of California at Berkeley In collaboration with KFAS 


Teaching Excellence Workshop in KU Today


Vice –President for Academic Affairs at Kuwait University, Prof. Esam AlAwadhi said that Kuwait University, in collaboration with University of California, Berkeley (UCB) and the Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences (KFAS), is holding a three-day teaching excellence workshop starting today till 31st March 2016. This workshop is one of the several activities within the framework of a KFAS Funded Kuwait- Berkeley Program and a Memorandum of Understanding between Kuwait University and University of California, Berkeley.

The objective of this workshop is to expose faculty members to the principles of teaching excellence as developed by The Center for Teaching Excellence at UCB. Participants in this workshop will be trained on the latest methods and approaches to teaching. The workshop will be conducted by the University of California, Berkeley faculty and staff.

The program aimed at selecting highly motivated senior, mid-career, and junior faculty, as well as Teaching Assistants to the workshop. All Kuwait University staff were invited to apply, and a large volume of very competitive applications were received. All qualifying, complete applications were reviewed by the Center for Teaching Excellence at University of California at Berkeley. Selection of participants was based on competence and comparative merit, and on representation of the various academic ranks and range of specializations at Kuwait University.

Out of the 72 accepted participants, and based on their performance at the in-house workshop, the representatives of UCB will select a limited number of participants for a train-the-trainers workshop in November 2016. On this second workshop the participants will receive advanced preparations to train university staff on teaching excellence.

It is expected that these faculty workshops will be very instrumental in developing a world class Faculty who is committed to teaching excellence.

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