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GUST Hosts 23rd Cross Cultural Diwaniya


• A monthly event that brings together people from various backgrounds to discuss current pressing issues

• Event moderated by Kuwait University’s Dr. Shafeeq Al Ghabra

• Discussion focused on the links between religion, spirituality, and culture


Kuwait City, December 9th, 2015: Gulf University for Science and Technology (GUST) hosted the latest Cross Cultural Diwaniya (CCD) on its campus yesterday in which people from various backgrounds get together to exchange views and promote critical thinking on the most pertinent issues of the day. Last night’s discussion revolved around the relationship between religion, culture, and spirituality.

The event, which was open to the general public, was held in the presence of H.E. Matthew Lodge, UK Ambassador to Kuwait. The discussion, which was divided into two 45-minute rounds, and was moderated by Dr. Shafeeq Al Ghabra, Professor of Political Science at Kuwait University.

Faisal Al Fuhaid, Founder of the Cross Cultural Diwaniya, said, “The unique thing about this forum is that everybody is welcome. By opening the doors to different cultures and backgrounds, we are promoting progressive discussion amongst all residents of Kuwait. At the same time, we are exposing GUST students to ideas and viewpoints that may differ from their own and provide a safe environment in which they can question, debate, and understand them.”

The Cross Cultural Diwaniya, occurs monthly, is open to everyone, and is free of charge to attend. Information on upcoming diwaniyas can be found online at ccdiwan.me, and on Instagram @culturaldiwaniya.


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