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GUST holds Breast Cancer Presentation for Labor Staff

Kuwait City, 26th October, 2015: Gulf University for Science and Technology (GUST) collaborated with the Indian Women’s Association (IWA), to hold a breast cancer presentation and checkup for its labor staff in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month on Saturday at its campus. The lecture was conducted in three languages: English, Hindi, and Telgu, so that all the labor staff members understand it in their native tongue.

Dr. Siddiqa Hussain, Counselor at the university’s Student Success Center and one of the founders of the IWA, said, “The goal was to raise awareness on the issue, provide knowledge to the staff, and teach them about conducting their own examinations to promote early detection.”

Covering each aspect of the issue in detail, the presentation proved very beneficial for the university labor staff who were also given a small brochure illustrating the steps of self-examination and a calendar to mark their monthly examination.

Engineer Ebraheem Al Foraih, Director of the Facilities Management Department said, “This event is the first of its kind for the university. Successful organizations care about the health of their employees, and support their staff by raising the level of awareness on such health risks.”

GUST continuously organizes events which will add value to their students, staff, faculty and community especially when it comes to issues of health, safety, and environment.


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