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10 Study Tips for Final Exams


Over the next few weeks, many college students will be studying for final exams . Here are 10 tips to all of you on how you can separate your tasks throughout the finals.

1-Keep your Energy Levels High.
Although it is important to leave a reasonable amount of time to study, it is more important to have the energy necessary for optimizing your studies. You will do better on the tests if you sleep 7-9 hours a day. In order to achieve this, it is important to use your available study time more efficiently.

2: 50-10 Rule.
The basis of it is to study 50 minutes of every hour, and keep the last 10 minutes to clear your mind. The idea is that you should focus 100% during those 50 minutes and use the remaining to relax yourself. Create an alarm notification on your phone so it rings whenever those 50 minutes are over. Stick to that alarm; it will be beneficial.

3-Organize a Calendar.
In this calendar you should add not only the time period of each exam, but also try to separate the hours that you wish to dedicate to each subject. Leave time, as I said, to free your mind. The purpose is that while you are in front of the books or the computer, you spend 100% of your attention on it (zero distractions). Google Calendars can be your best friend during this week.Create Study Guides One Week Before the Final. Many times,

4- creating study guides are the most time-consuming part of studying.
create outlines or guides one week prior to the tests so you can just read the organized material and be able to answer the questions quickly and effectively.

5- Study in Groups Only if it Benefits You.
Certainly there are many cases where studying in groups can be beneficial, since many minds working together can help explain concepts better that you perhaps did not understand. However, a study group only works well if you are concentrated and serious. If not, conversations, jokes, and distractions can take control of the study sessions.

6-Take Your Time.
It is important to spend an adequate amount of time and energy to study. Recall that final exams usually last from an hour and a half to three hours and it can be difficult (if we are not prepared) to handle the concentration level for such a long period of time. Be prepared; practice.

7-Finish Your Practice Problems.
Whenever you find yourself practicing your math problems or something of this sort, don’t give up on them. Finish the problem completely so you can understand them better for the exam and leave no place for doubt. If you have questions on those practice problems, check your notes or talk to a classmate who can help. Be sure to work the problem because, more often than not, the ones you don’t understand are the ones that end up in the test.

8 – Relax.
Keep your stress levels low. It’s good that you worry about your finals, but don’t let stress and anxiety take over you. Complete all your work and try and finish it all up early. The better you distribute your tasks during the weeks before final exams, the better you will understand the material

9 – do a practice quiz.
Ask your parents or your brothers and sisters to quiz you about the material you are studying. Create a “home-made” quiz with all relevant information you need to know and review it two hours after you create it (or just after studying). This can help to keep your goals aligned.

10- Exercise and eat healthy.
Exercise and good nutrition cannot only help control your stress levels, but it can also maintain your emotions stable. Exercise helps keep your blood pressure low and it can help raise your energy levels so you can continue to study more effectively. Remember, the focus and the concentration (not necessarily the time) you spend while studying for a final exam is more important than anything

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