GUST & PUC Welcome Freshmen at Annual Orientation

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE KUWAIT CITY, Kuwait – September 4, 2016 – Gulf University for Science and Technology (GUST) hosted its annual student orientation at its conference center on Wednesday. Organized by the Office of Student Life (OSL) before the start of every fall semester, the orientation allows new students to get all the information they need to start their academic year with confidence to ensure a smooth transition into university life, and get a feel for what their new academic journey will entail.GUST President, Professor Donald Bates said, “The students we welcome today are the future of this country. It is our responsibility to take care, guide, and nurture them. With this orientation, we send a clear message that even before Day 1, we are by their sides and ready to help them achieve any dream they want to realize.”The program began with speeches from University President, Professor Donald Bates, followed by the GUST Student Association. This was followed by sessions in which the students were introduced to the different members of GUST’s Top Management, and one headed by the Private Universities Council (PUC). Students were also given briefs on the various support departments they can make use of during their time at GUST, such as the Student Success Center, the Foundation Program Unit, and the Admission and Registration Department.Head of OSL, Anwar Al Sabah, said, “It invigorates me to see so many young and eager students join our university every year. They come with such energy and enthusiasm, and it is absolutely paramount that we provide them with everything we can to ensure that none of their talent goes to waste, and that they can accomplish any goal they set their minds to.”The event was also attended by Dr. Salah Al-Sharhan, Vice President of Academic Affairs and distinguished PUC representatives: Ms. Asmaa al Mutairi, Head of the Office of Media and Public Relations, and Mr. Adel Al Bader, the Head of the Office of Professional and Technical Development.Dr. Habib Abul, Secretary General of the PUC said, “Our main target is to establish a nurturing yet challenging environment that is conducive to learning that is in line with the international standards required for tomorrow’s job market.”Among the PUC’s responsibilities are determining accreditation requirements for all private universities, reviewing performance to ensure commitment to the provisions of the universities’ founding decree and providing scholarships to students within standards set by the council. During the orientation, PUC representatives discussed the roles and procedures of the PUC Scholarship Office as well as the processes and timelines for the social allowance.The orientation concluded with a campus tour where students visited lecture theatres, computer labs, science labs, the sports center, the TV & radio studios, and the university’s new state of the art Gulf Financial Center.