أخبار منوعة

Edu. Ministry launches “Watheq” project

KUWAIT, Nov 23 (KUNA) — Head of the media team and member of the higher committee of “Watheq” (confident) project” Mohammad Al-Kanderi said on Monday that this project aims at enhancing educational values in the country through the group work in coordination with the educational system, represented in the students, teachers, school administration and parents.

More than 45,000 students from 90 schools, under the supervision of 7,800 teachers, are benefiting from this project, he added in press remarks on the sidelines of the introductory meeting of “Watheq” project, held at Farwaniya Educational Area.

“This project aims at launching educational activities and programs, with the participation of the school administrations and the students’ guardians”, he added.

Boosting self-esteem is the ultimate goal of this program, especially for students at early age, as it maintains a healthy psychologic status for the individuals, and protects them from any negative behaviors, besides gaining practical and scientific experience, he said.

The project also includes holding workshops and activists outside the class room during the academic year, besides establishing a valuable and secure educational environment in the school community, as well as enhancing the concept of cooperative and volunteering work inside and outside the school, he affirmed. It also works on enhancing the leadership skills of the students especially in the decision making process, he added.

“Watheq” is carrying the vision of youth community of values and ambition which work towards increasing the awareness of students of the importance of work, besides strengthening the values of creativity, productivity and leadership, as well as Islamic notions among the youth.

Among the positive results that the project gained since it was launched, as indicated in the reports of schools which implemented it, is the decline in violence rates between students, besides increasing the academic achievement level, in addition to the noticeable drop in absence rates, besides the improvement in a number of negative behavior cases, like extreme embarrassment, stuttering and isolationism.

Schools of Princess Haya Bint Al-Hussien in UAE, Dubai expressed their desire in implementing this project in cooperation with the Kuwaiti side.

The governmental bodies are taking part in this project namely: Supreme Advisory Committee to work on the completion of the application of the provisions of Islamic Sharia, Ministry of Education, besides Ministry of State for Youth Affairs. (end) fsa.lb

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