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AOU in cooperation with KNG organizes two workshops


In cooperation with the Kuwait National Guard (KNG), the Training Center of the Arab Open University (AOU) organized two workshops for trainees from the KNG. The workshops are entitled “Indexing and Electronic Archiving” by Dr. Anwar Al-Harbi, and “Excellent Teamwork” by Dr. Ghader Asiri.These workshops were organized in order to implement the protocol between the Arab Open University and the Kuwait National Guard, which was signed in June 2014.
   In his workshop, Dr. Al-Harbi addressed the concept of archiving and indexing and their importance in the world of Information Technology. Then, he talked about the electronic management and the merits of the electronic government in addition to the necessary electronic systems for e-management and their problems.

   The second workshop delivered by Dr. Asiri included various topics, such as the definition of the excellent teamwork and the factors of successful teamwork. In addition, she defined the concept of teamwork building, the evaluation mechanisms of teamwork, the pros and cons of collective decision-making, and the fields of teamwork.
   At the end of the workshops, the trainees valued all what was presented in the two workshops. Then, Dr. Sami Khalifa, Manager of the Training Center, and Major. Abd-Alrahman Motleg Asi, Representative from the KNG, handed the participants their certificates, wishing them the best of luck. 

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