أخبار منوعة

Electronic Registration for Academic Aptitude Tests on 12/12/2015


Center for Evaluation and Measurement

Center for Evaluation and Measurement at KU announces that electronic registration for Academic Aptitude Tests that will be held on Saturday 12th of December 2015 will begin on Friday 5/11/2015 until the end of Friday 27/11/2015.
All high school students, grades 11 and 12 who wish to register for the Academic Aptitude Test can register through the website
by following the steps mentioned below :-
1- Entering registration details and uploading a recent photo of the applicant .
2- Paying registration fees ( 5 K.D ) for each test via K-Net.
3-Printing access card with an ID photo.
French Language Test
High School students and continuing university students who are willing to transfer to the French Language department will be allowed to register via the portal for the French Language Test starting from 5 -6 of December 2015, noting that the French language test will be held at 2:00 pm on Saturday 12/12/ 2015.
Important Notes:
-Registration of students for tests and modifications will be through the Electronic Registration System only.
-Submitting Academic Aptitude Tests does not indicate students’ acceptance unless they meet all conditions of admission.
For inquiries:
Tel: 24987665 – 24987696 – 24987922 – 24985095
e-mail: [email protected]
twitter: @cemvpaa

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